Thursday, February 19, 2009

ARTICLE: 10 Tips for Using Twitter and Email Marketing for B2B

Here's another useful top 10 tips list., which focuses on what all the Twitter fuss is about. Take note all you B2B tweeters out there!

1. Add a link to your company's Twitter account to all mass email communications.  
2. Link to a form landing page from your company Twitter account. 
3. Use Twitter content in your email newsletters. 
4. Post links from your email newsletter articles on Twitter.
5. Ensure that all email newsletter article authors have their Twitter account listed on the email. 
6. Provide instructions in your emails about how subscribers can follow conversations about your company on Twitter. 
7. Ask email subscribers for their Twitter ID when they sign up. 
8. On your email preference page, indicate to those who may want to unsubscribe that they can still follow you on Twitter. 
9. Add a link in your emails and/or on your website that allows email subscribers and web visitors to easily tweet about an article, event or promotion.
10. Conduct Twitter interviews and use this as content for your email marketing. 

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