Time to stop procrastinating on your online-marketing efforts and kick off 2009 with these 10 fantastic guidelines, that will soon have you on your way to success, courtesy of Aaron Kahlow.
10. Borrow and Share
9. User-Generated Content as a Strategy
8. Cost-Conscious Search
7. Email With Purpose
6. Analytics for Real
5. Plunge Head-First Into Social Networking
4. Stop Twittering, Start Working
3. Budget for Customers
2. Education Is Always the Key
1. No Fear
Hi, Interesting list of items, however I find a few things that jump out and I can't help but ask for clarification :) Point 4 says:"Stop Twittering, Start Working", in reality that kind of contradicts Aaron's points 10, 9 and and most importantly 5 - which may help get over the "Fear" (point 1)! I think Aaron may miss the point of Twitter, yes its 'fun' but its a great way to encourage Social Networking and not all Twitter conversations are 'fun' but have often encouraged organic and interesting debates.
Where does one get more information about each of these 10 points you list?
Hi Andy, some good points and yeh his approach seems a little contradictory. I can't answer for him but I would google the 10 points for more info, OR visit www.technorati.com and enter the terms in the search field there. Technorati allows you to search for the most relevant blogs out there on your subject and the 10 point info. i listed is no doubt best found through the online marketing blogosphere.
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